This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015/Debian) Capacity: max_strings=35307, hash_size=35307, hash_prime=30011 The top-level auxiliary file: heveaHtml-presArtEnFa/presArtEnFa.aux The style file: plain.bst Database file #1: /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 145 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "In english \" : free\" is confusing because when using the term \"free\", it sometimes I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 324 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "This article is a follow-on to our previous article \" : The WAP Trap.\" It I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 617 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : Libre model fully in the form of an industry paper titled, \" : Libre Services: a I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 694 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : Libre model fully in the form of an industry paper titled, \" : Libre Services: a I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 814 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : By \" : correct\" we mean that these models bring far greater benefits than their I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 1059 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : about service functionality. By* (pronounced \" : by-star\") is a specific I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 1175 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : \" : Libre Texting: A Reshaping of the Medium.\" I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 1892 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : \" : Libre-Halaal\" label for the halaal manner-of-existence of poly-existentials. I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 1988 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "In this paper we introduce the concept of \" : Convivial\" into Globish. We this I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 2909 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : Libre model fully in the form of an industry paper titled, \" : Libre Services: a I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3029 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "With the strong message of \" : No Iran War\", accompanying a delegation of Green I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3059 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "This document is the transcript of our public email titled, \" : Libre Texting: A I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3187 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "This document is the transcript of our public email titled, \" : Libre Services: I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3206 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "This document is the transcript of our email titled, \" : Our Internet engineering I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3226 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : Wireless Texting (henceforth just \" : Texting\") medium, based on the Free Software I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3262 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : On June 9, 2009 we submitted SBIR proposal number 0946146, titled \" : Libre I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3293 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : Wireless Texting (henceforth just \" : Texting\") medium, based on the Free Software I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3332 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : * Topic: \" : Five Less Taught Topics in Data Communications\" I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3560 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "This is a translation of a best-selling Japanese book called \" : The Japan That I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 3746 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : abstract = "BBDB Filters Package is a collection of filters and is called \" : BBDB Input and I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 6084 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : @techreport{PLPC-120033 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Repeated entry---line 6123 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : @techreport{PLPC-120033 : , I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 6517 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : \" : Libre-Halaal\" label for the halaal manner-of-existence of poly-existentials. I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 7604 of file /lcnt/outputs/all/plpcUrl.bib : \" : Libre-Halaal\" label for the halaal manner-of-existence of poly-existentials. I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Database file #2: /usr/local/lib/bib/rfcs.bib You've used 1 entry, 2118 wiz_defined-function locations, 508 strings with 4365 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 233 in all, are: = -- 23 > -- 7 < -- 1 + -- 3 - -- 2 * -- 13 := -- 51 add.period$ -- 4 call.type$ -- 1$ -- 4$ -- 0 cite$ -- 1 duplicate$ -- 9 empty$ -- 16$ -- 2 if$ -- 43$ -- 0$ -- 1 missing$ -- 0 newline$ -- 9 num.names$ -- 2 pop$ -- 2 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 3 quote$ -- 0 skip$ -- 5 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 5 swap$ -- 1 text.length$ -- 1 text.prefix$ -- 0 top$ -- 0 type$ -- 4 warning$ -- 0 while$ -- 2 width$ -- 2 write$ -- 15 (There were 24 error messages)