Web Services Development

Best Current Practices (2018)

Document #PLPC-180053
Version 0.1
June 27, 2018
This Document is Available on-line at:
Neda Communications, Inc.

What Are The Best Current Practices To Build Web Services

Contours Of Chosen Key Ingridients

What Are The Best Current Practices To Build Web Services

Contours Of Chosen Key Ingridients

Model And Terminology – Data Communications Vs Software Engineering

ROSE: Remote Operations Services Element

The Best Current Practice is to use proper, complete and correct model and terminology with discipline.

We will be using ROSE’s model and terminology.

Development Workflow

  1. Develop Your ICM As An Ordinary Local Command Line Module – With ICM Parameters And Args
  2. Use/Test Your ICM On Command Line Or With A ICM-Player
  3. Augment Your Local ICM With Swagger Annotations – Similar To Java’s @Api
  4. Create A Swagger Operations-Specification And Validate It
  5. Pass The Swagger Operations-Specification Through codegen which will use the ICM’s Operations
  6. Run The Performer As A Service
  7. Point the ICM-Invoker To The Performer’s Operations-Specification
  8. Build Your Application Based On The ICM-Invoker Cmnds

Database Oriented Performers

For Database Oriented Apps, The Stack Is:

  1. Flask
  2. Connexion
  3. Performer-ICM (Based On Swagger Codegen)
  4. Sqlalchemy
  5. Mysql