Remote Operations Interactive Command Modules (RO-ICM)

Best Current (2019) Practices For Web Services Development

Article Format Of Presentation

Document #PLPC-180056
Version 0.4
February 12, 2019
This Document is Available on-line at:

Mohsen BANAN


Part I

1  Our Web Services And Remote Operations Model

1.1  Structure Of Web Services Implementation (Remote Operations)

Structure Of Web Services Implementation – Remote Operations

Implemenation Of Remote Operations Can Typically Be Structured As:

  1. Remote Performer Implementation –
  2. Remote Invoker Implementation –
  3. Direct Operations Implementation –

This document focuses on Remote Performer Implementation.

You should read this document alongside the mentioned documents.

Interactive Command Modules (ICM) allow for consistent Direct and Remote Operations.

1.2  Interactive Command Modules (ICM) Direct And Remote Operations

Interactive Command Modules Direct And Remote Operations

Our implementation model for remote operations is based on the model of Interactive Command Modules (ICM).

The Interactive Command Modules Framework allows for a Direct Operation to be split into a Performer Remote Operation module and an Invoker Remote Operation module.

The Interactive Command Modules Framework allows for a Remote Operation to also be used as Direct Remote.

The Interactive Command Modules Framework allows for operations to be mapped to command-line invocations.

2  Obtaining Related Software

Obtaining The Software

Software (Open-Source):

3  Related Documents

Related Documents

Interactive Command Modules (ICM) and Players
A Framework For Cohesive Generalized Scripting — [4]
Remote Operations Interactive Command Modules (RO-ICM)
Best Current (2019) Practices For Web Services Development — [3]
A Generalized Swagger (OpenAPI) Centered Web Services Invocations And Testing Framework — [1]
Extending SON To Clouds And Things
GOSSONoT: A Generalized Open-Source Self Organizing Network of Things Platform — [2]

4  Part Of A Much Bigger Picture – ByStar and BISOS

Part Of A Much Bigger Picture – ByStar and BISOS

This Software is Part Of A Much Bigger Picture.

This Software Is Part Of: The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem

And Part Of: BISOS: ByStar Internet Services OS

This software is primarily being used and developed in that context.

5  In 2019 What Are The Best Current Practices For Building Web Services

5.1  What Do We Mean By: Web Services

What Do We Mean By: Web Services

Frame Notes

5.2  What Do We Mean By: Best Current Practices

What Do We Mean By: Best Current Practices

Technology, Processes, Procedures and Paractices That Reflect Industry Consensus Towards Being:

5.3  Technological Context And Contours

Technological Context

Contours Of Chosen Key Ingridients

Frame Notes

6  Web Services Development BCP – Tools Chain

6.1  Web Services Development BCP – Tools Chain – Service Specification

Web Services Development BCP – Tools Chain – Service Specification

Contours Of Chosen Key Tools

6.2  Web Services Development BCP – Tools Chain – Invokers And Performers

Web Services Development BCP – Tools Chain

Contours Of Chosen Key Tools

Part II
Model And Terminology

7  Remote Operations Model And Terminology

7.1  Remote Operations Model And Terminology – Data Communications Vs Software Engineering

Model And Terminology – Data Communications Vs Software Engineering

ROSE: Remote Operations Services Element

Best Practice is to use proper, complete and correct model and terminology with discipline.

We will be using ROSE’s model and terminology of Operations (with some augmentations), Invokers and Performers – not clients and servers.

7.2  Remote Operations Terminology Vs Web Services Terminology

Remote Operations Terminology Vs Web Services Terminology

See ROSE: Remote Operations Services Element – X.219 For Details

Remote Operations Terminology Web Services Terminology
Service Specification Swagger File – json swagger url or yaml swagger file
Operation (OpId + Arguments + Results) url (paths)
Invoker And Performer Client And Server
Arguments Requests
Results and Errors Responses

7.3  Adding REST To ROSE

Adding REST to ROSE

Remote Operations Services Element and Representational State Transfer

The basic concepts of ROSE (Remote Operations Services Element) can easily be augmented by the basic concept of REST (Representational State Transfer).

In the Web Services context we can go from Remote Operations to REST’s object, method model by introducing the notion of “RO-DestSap” (Remote Operation Destination Service Access Point).

8  Outline:


Part III
Universality Of Operations – Local/Direct and Remote

9  Parallels Between Command Line Invokations And Remote Operation Invokation

Parallels Between Command Line Invokations And Remote Operation Invokation

Options And Arguments Vs Parameters

Command Line:

Remote Operations:

10  A Unified Model For Python Invokations, Command-Line Invokations And Remote-Op Invokations

Development Workflow

Python Invokation Inputs: Complex Arguments Python Invokation Outputs: Complex Return Values

Command-Line Invokation Inputs: Options And Args Command-Line Invokation Outputs: stdout, stderr

Remote-Operation Invokation Inputs: parameters Remote-Operation Outputs: Results, Errors

Python Remote ICM (Interactive Commands Module) Model Transparently Unifies The Three

You just write your python code, the CLI and Remote Operations are fully auto generated.

Part IV
The Unified ICM Model – Direct ICMs, Remote ICM Invokers, Remote ICM Performers

11  Benefits And Powers Of The ICM Unified Model

Benefits And Powers Of The ICM Unified Model

Most of your development life-cycle is in a local and single process environment.

At will you map to command line.

At will you can split the functionality to remote-operations (Web Services).

You can switch between the three models by maintaining a single code base.

12  Development Workflow

Development Workflow

  1. Develop Your ICM As An Ordinary Local Command Line Module – With ICM Parameters And Args
  2. Use/Test Your ICM On Command Line Or With A ICM-Player
  3. Augment Your Local ICM With Swagger Annotations – Similar To Java’s @Api
  4. Create A Swagger Operations-Specification And Validate It
  5. Pass The Swagger Operations-Specification Through codegen which will use the ICM’s Operations
  6. Run The Performer As A Service
  7. Point the ICM-Invoker To The Performer’s Operations-Specification
  8. Build Your Application Based On The ICM-Invoker Cmnds

13  Overview Of Continuity Of Direct, Performer and Invoker ICM Models

Overview Of Continuity Of Direct, Performer and Invoker ICM Models

Figure 1: Web Services Interactive Command Module (ws-icm) Overview

Frame Notes

13.1  Direct Operations ICM (DO-ICM) Model

ICM Performer Responders

ICM-Commands are directly invoked.

In a single process model where parameters and arguments and results are through the command line and file system.

13.2  ICM Performer Model

ICM Performer Model

Based on the ICM’s self contained info, ICM-Performers can be launched to respond to Remote Operation Invokations.

The ICM Performer is auto generated from the ICM code.

13.3  ICM Invoker Model

ICM Invoker Model

Based on the Swagger file, The Remote-Invoker Maps the Swagger file onto command line.

Part V
Direct ICMs Development Model

14  Direct ICMs Development Model

Direct ICMs Development Model

Basic Elements Of Direct ICMs

  1. Cmnd Method
  2. Cmnd Params
  3. Cmnd Args
  4. Interactivity or Not
  5. Cmnd Outcome

15  Python ICM-Command Concept Vs Python Functions

Python ICM-Command Concept Vs Python Functions

The Python ICM-Command Class (icm.Cmnd) includes:

Cmnd.cmnd :



Full description of ICM is provided in PLPC-180050

16  About ICM Players

About ICM Players

Based on the ICM’s self-contained info, ICM modules can be used at cmnd-line or through auto-generated User-Interfaces.

17  About ICM Libraries (Collections Of Reusable ICMs)

About ICM Libraries – Collections Of Reusable ICMs

ICM “Commands” can be included in ICM-Libraries which can then be combined.

Part VI
The Concept Of Remote Operation ICMs

17.1  Overview

The Concept Of Remote Operation ICMs

Remote Operation ICMs (RO-ICMS) are governed by RO-Specifications (Swagger Spec, OpenApi Spec)

RO-Specifications are the axis around which everything revolves.

RO-Specifications are the “service contract” that permit language bindings for invokers and stable performer evolution.

18  Three Ways Of Specifying The RO-Specification (Swagger-file)

Three Ways Of Specifying The RO-Specification

  1. Design and write the Service Specification in full in one place – e.g., with swagger-editor. Then use code-generators for both performer and invoker.
  2. Design and write the Service Specification in pieces along with implementration (a la dropwizard). Then publish the aggregated swagger for code-generation of invokers. Performer is framework driven – no generated code.
  3. Design and write the Service Specification in pieces along with implementration for single process usage. Then generate the aggregated Service Specification for use with code-generators for both performer and invoker.

Method (3) is that of Web Services ICM.

Web Services ICM With Swagger Code Generators

Figure 2: Web Services Interactive Command Module (WS-ICM) Using Swagger Code Generators

Frame Notes

19  RO Authentication And Authorization

RO Authentication And Authorization

  1. Bearer Tokens
  2. Auth Library

Part VII
Invokers Development Model

20  A Generalized Swagger (OpenAPI) Centered Web Services And Invokations Testing Framework

A Generalized Swagger (OpenAPI) Centered Web Services And Invokations Testing Framework


Invokers Development Model is described in:

A Generalized Swagger (OpenAPI) Centered Web Services Invocations And Testing Framework — [1]

Remote Performer ICMs Development Model

21  Model And Process Of Building Performers With Swagger Code Generators

Model And Process Of Building Performers With Swagger Code Generators

The general process and model of building a RO-Performer service involves:

  1. Obatin Or Create A Swagger File (svcSpec)
  2. With The Swagger File, Generate Python-Flask Code (svcSpec -> PerformerCodeGen)
  3. Add controllers For Each Operation (PerformerCodeGen + controllerCode)
  4. Wrap and run the performer in a web server (Performers+Flask+Connexion+Apache+wsgi) – Other choices for Apache-wsgi include:
    • nginx
    • uWSGI

22  Common Ways Of Building ICM Based Performers

Common Ways Of Building ICM Based Performers

  1. Custom Performers With DO-ICM Controllers
  2. ICM Derived Performers
  3. Database Oriented ICM Performers

23  Custom Performers With DO-ICM Controllers

Custom Performers With DO-ICM Controllers

For Direct-Operations ICM Apps, The Stack Is:

  1. Existing Swagger File (svcSpec)
  2. Direct-Ops ICM (doIcm-ops)
  3. Swagger Python-Flask Code Generation (svcSpec -> PerformerCodeGen -> doIcm-ops)
  4. Flask
  5. Connexion
  6. Apache-2 wsgi

24  ICM Derived Performers

ICM Derived Performers

For Direct-Operations ICM Apps, The Stack Is:

  1. Direct-Ops ICM (doIcm-ops)
  2. DO-ICM Auto Swagger File Generation (doIcm -> svcSpec)
  3. Swagger Python-Flask Code Generation (svcSpec -> PerformerCodeGen -> doIcm-ops)
  4. Flask
  5. Connexion
  6. Apache-2 wsgi

24.1  Database Oriented ICM Performers

Database Oriented ICM Performers

For Database Oriented Apps, The Stack Is:

  1. Direct-Ops ICM (DO-ICM)
  2. DO-ICM Auto Swagger File Generation (doIcm -> svcSpec)
  3. Swagger Python-Flask Code Generation (svcSpec -> PerformerCodeGen -> doIcm-ops)
  4. Sqlalchemy
  5. Mysql
  6. Flask
  7. Connexion
  8. Apache-2 wsgi

25  With The Right Tools, It Is Very Easy To Build RO-ICMs Based On DO-ICMs

With The Right Tools, It Is Very Easy To Build RO-ICMs Based On DO-ICMs

  1. Build And Test Your DO-ICMs
  2. Generate Swagger Files For Your DO-ICMs
  3. Convert Your DO-ICMs to Performer-RO-ICMs
  4. Use The Invoker-RO-ICMs Framework To Test The Remote Performer
  5. Use The Invoker-RO-ICMs Framework Build Your Invoker Apps


" Mohsen BANAN ". " a generalized swagger (openapi) centered web services testing and invocations framework ". Permanent Libre Published Content "180057", Autonomously Self-Published, "December" 2018.
" Mohsen BANAN ". " extending son to clouds and things gossonot: A generalized open-source self organizing network of things platform ". Permanent Libre Published Content "180052", Autonomously Self-Published, "December" 2018.
" Mohsen BANAN ". " remote operations interactive command modules (ro-icm) best current (2018) practices for web services development ". Permanent Libre Published Content "180056", Autonomously Self-Published, "September" 2018.
" Neda Communications Inc". " interactive command modules (icm) and players a framework for cohesive generalized scripting a model for gui-line user experience ". Permanent Libre Published Content "180050", Autonomously Self-Published, "July" 2017.