# reveal.js-menu
A slideout menu plugin for [Reveal.js](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js) to quickly jump to any slide by title. Also optionally change the theme and set the default transition. [Check out the live demo](https://denehyg.github.io/reveal.js-menu)
## Installation
### Bower
Download and install the package in your project:
```bower install reveal.js-menu```
Add the plugin to the dependencies in your presentation, as below.
// ...
dependencies: [
// ...
{ src: 'bower_components/reveal.js-menu/menu.js' }
### Manual
Copy this repository into the plugins folder of your reveal.js presentation, ie ```plugins/menu```.
Add the plugin to the dependencies in your presentation, as below.
// ...
dependencies: [
// ...
{ src: 'plugin/menu/menu.js' }
## Configuration
You can configure the menu for your presentation by providing a ```menu``` option in the reveal.js initialization options. Note that all config values are optional and will default as specified below.
// ...
menu: {
// Specifies which side of the presentation the menu will
// be shown. Use 'left' or 'right'.
side: 'left',
// Add slide numbers to the titles in the slide list.
// Use 'true' or format string (same as reveal.js slide numbers)
numbers: false,
// Specifies which slide elements will be used for generating
// the slide titles in the menu. The default selects the first
// heading element found in the slide, but you can specify any
// valid css selector and the text from the first matching
// element will be used.
// Note: that a section data-menu-title attribute or an element
// with a menu-title class will take precedence over this option
titleSelector: 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6',
// Hide slides from the menu that do not have a title.
// Set to 'true' to only list slides with titles.
hideMissingTitles: false,
// Add markers to the slide titles to indicate the
// progress through the presentation
markers: false,
// Specify custom panels to be included in the menu, by
// providing an array of objects with 'title', 'icon'
// properties, and either a 'src' or 'content' property.
custom: false,
// Specifies the themes that will be available in the themes
// menu panel. Set to 'false' to hide themes panel.
themes: [
{ name: 'Black', theme: 'css/theme/black.css' },
{ name: 'White', theme: 'css/theme/white.css' },
{ name: 'League', theme: 'css/theme/league.css' },
{ name: 'Sky', theme: 'css/theme/sky.css' },
{ name: 'Beige', theme: 'css/theme/beige.css' },
{ name: 'Simple', theme: 'css/theme/simple.css' },
{ name: 'Serif', theme: 'css/theme/serif.css' },
{ name: 'Blood', theme: 'css/theme/blood.css' },
{ name: 'Night', theme: 'css/theme/night.css' },
{ name: 'Moon', theme: 'css/theme/moon.css' },
{ name: 'Solarized', theme: 'css/theme/solarized.css' }
// Specifies if the transitions menu panel will be shown.
transitions: true,
// Adds a menu button to the slides to open the menu panel.
// Set to 'false' to hide the button.
openButton: true,
// If 'true' allows the slide number in the presentation to
// open the menu panel. The reveal.js slideNumber option must
// be displayed for this to take effect
openSlideNumber: false,
// If true allows the user to open and navigate the menu using
// the keyboard. Standard keyboard interaction with reveal
// will be disabled while the menu is open.
keyboard: true
## Slide Titles
The slide titles used in the menu can be supplied explicitly or are taken directly from the presentation, using the following rules...
###### 1. The section's ```data-menu-title``` attribute.
If the slide's section element contains a ```data-menu-title``` attribute this will be used for the slide title in the menu. For example...
... ... ... This will be the slide title in the menu ... ...Title
This will be the slide title in the menu
This slidedeck is created with reveal.js
' } ] } }); ``` ```title``` and ```icon``` are used for the toolbar buttons at the top of the menu. There are two approaches you can use to provide content for the panels... * You can provide a URL in ```src``` to load html from another file. * Alternatively, you can provide html in ```content``` and this will be added to the custom panel. ###### Custom slide menu items You can provide menu items in your custom panels using the following format. This allows you to define your own navigation links for your presentation. ```html