An Overview Of The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem
With Pointers For Digging Deeper

Article Format Of Presentation

Document #PLPC-180054
Version 0.2
March 30, 2018
This Document is Available on-line at:

Neda Communications, Inc.

Copyright ©2014 Neda Communications, Inc.

Permission is granted to make and distribute complete (not partial)
verbatim copies of this document provided that the copyright notice
and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.


Part I

1  Outline – About This Presentation

About This Presentation - Outline

This PLPC-180054 Is Available In The Following Formats:

Presentation-HTML, Pres-Article-HTML, Presentation-PDF, Pres-Article-PDF.

By* Elevator Pitch Videos
  • Three short videos in English/Globish, French and Persian/Farsi
Problem: Autonomy And Privacy Are Being Crushed – Humanity Is In Danger
  • We are all responsible. And the engineering profession in particular
Overview Of The Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem
Pointers For Digging Deeper In Relevant Dimmensions

In addition to this web based presentation oriented form, this information is also available to you as a set of pdf slides and as a linear multi-media web page that we call the Presentation-Article format which also includes a transcript of everything being said in this presentation.

You can choose the form and format that best suits you.

The access page for these documents is ByStar’s PLPC-180054.

We start with an elevator pitch video which is available in English, French and Farsi.

The content, message and tone of these videos is not the same as our audiences are not the same. The danger that current internet trends are posing to humanity in the form of crushing our autonomoy and privacy are not experienced the same way by Americans, Europeans, Iranians, Asians and the rest of humanity.

After the videos we provide you an overview of the LH BxDE which includes lots of pointers for digging deeper.

Part II

2  English/Globish: Libre-Halaal By* Introductory Video

English/Globish: Libre-Halaal By* Introductory Video


My name is Mohsen Banan.

I am the founder of Neda Communications, Inc. and I am the origin of the Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem.

Some have come to recognize that in the Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem – by that I mean, Internet Application Services as they exist today – the individiual’s (our) autonomy and privacy is being crushed.

However, no one is doing anything meaningful about it.

ByStar is about rescuing humanity from the dragnet of Google, Facebook and America’s surveillance economy. Our primary offerings are real, tangible and practical autonomy and privacy – destined for very large scale and based on a new for-profit economic model.

Over the past two decades or so, we have designed and built the necessary foundations and have validated our model and capabilities on small scale.

ByStar is fully internally transparent and is built on pure Free & Open Source Software (FOSS/FLOSS). Definition of Libre-Halaal services requires the entire service to be re-producible from source.

We are now ready to expose our work and I invite you to participate in redirecting the future of Internet Applications Services towards becoming re-decentralized with individuals as autonomous entities in charge of their own communications, interactions and privacy.

3  French Libre-Halaal By* Introductory Video

French Libre-Halaal By* Introductory Video


Je suis Mohsen Banan, le fondateur de Neda Communications, Inc et l’origine d’écosystème numérique Libre-Halaal ByStar.

Aujourd’hui internet est un construit centralisée est contrôlé par les compagnies américains. Les services internet sont organisées dans le modèle économique des américains. Pendant les dernières vint anne on a créé ByStar comme une alternative pour l’écosystème numérique propriétaires américains.

ByStar est construit entièrement avec logiciel libre. Le mark Libre-Halaal indique que vous pouvez re construire des services ByStar avec leur code source.

Maintenant nous sommes prêts à exposer ce qu’on a construit et je vous invite de nous joindre pour orienter la futur d’internet dans un sens que le fai re décentralisée avec l’individuel au même habilité et responsables pour leur communication et interactions autonome et privés. Renseignez vous à "by" "-" "star" dot net pour un aperçu d’écosystèmes numérique Libre-Halaal ByStar.

4  Farsi Libre-Halaal By* Introductory Video

Farsi Libre-Halaal By* Introductory Video

به نام خدا.


محسن بنان هستم.

حدود سی سال پیش شرکت
Neda Communications, Inc
را بنا کردم و حدود بیست سال پیش شروع به ساختن یک محیط زیست رقمی کامل و جامع به نام
Libre-Halaal ByStar

وضعیت فعلی استفاده از خدمات اینترتی فاجعه‌ی بزرگی است که فقط ابتدایش را میبینیم.

شرکتهای آمریکایی و مدل آمریکایی محیط زیست رقمی به وجود آورده‌اند که استقلال شخصی ما را خورد میکند و حرمتهای خصوصی ما را نا بود.

امثال فیس بوک و گوگل ابزار جاسوسی شده‌اند و بخش زیادی از مردم دنباله روی ما طعمه‌شان شده‌اند.

برخی در دولت و برخی در خارج از دولت جهت و ختر این فاجعه را فهمیده‌اند ولی در پاسخ به آن نا توانند.

محیط زیست رقمی
Libre-Halaal ByStar
میتواند پاسخ کامل و جامعی در مقابل محیط زیست رقمی انحصاری آمریکایی باشد.

از ابتدا ما حلالیت ماهیت وجودی نرم افزار و حلالیت ماهیت وجودی خدمات اینترنتی را پایه دانستیم و منظور خود را در بابِ حلالیت وجودی به دقت تعریف کردیم.

ابعاد اصلی این فاجعه جهانی است و ByStar پاسخی جهانی است.

آنچه که خاص است برای ایران و اسلام آن است که با فهم پایه‌های فلسفی، فقهی، و اجتماعی، مراجع تقلید و دولت میتوانند به سرعت ByStar را پاسخی ملی کنند.

آنچه که ساخته‌ایم اکنون آماده‌ی ارائه است و اکنون از شما دعوت میکنیم در جهت دهی خدمات اینترنتی بسویِ باز نا مرکزی کردن اینترنت بر پایه‌یِ استقلال شخصی فرد بر ارتباطاتش و حریم خصوصیش با ما همکاری کنید.

Part III
Problem: Indivdual’s Autonomy And Privacy Are Being Crushed

5  Problem: Individual’s Autonomy And Privacy Are Being Crushed

Problem: Individual’s Autonomy And Privacy Are Being Crushed

Civiliazation And Humanity Are In Danger

The Proprietary American Model has unleashed certain dynamics that result into full domination of corporations over individuals.

The Western Intellectual Proporty Rights (IPR) is a collosal mistake that reinforces these dynamics towards destruction of more of the individual’s autonomy.

Those responsible for safeguarding the public interest – government and the engineering profession – are sleep at the wheel.

Civilization and humanity are facing a very serious problem.

Our autonomy and privacy are being destroyed. This is an existential treat which is not being recognized as such by many – or perhaps most.

The Proprietary American Model has unleashed certain dynamics that result into full domination of corporations over individuals.

Central to these dangerous dynamics is a colossal ownership mistake. That of the Western IPR regime.

Copyright and patents as forms of ownership directly and indirectly have shaped the Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem towards empowering the corporation and towards cripling the individual.

Those responsible for safeguarding the public interest – government and the engineering profession – are sleep at the wheel.

These dynamics are not well understood. And the trends are progressing.

More recently, discussions of loss of privacy in the context of Internet services has become a daily occurrence in mainstream western press. None of these discussions has any depth and no meaningful cure is even searched for. Many articles and books have been written about “End of Privacy.” Shallow, subdued nagging – that is the position and role of American press and academia on the problem.

What we are presenting here is different from all of that. Our analysis is deep and as an alternative to the existing American surveillance oriented services what we are offering is a very viable solution.

Part IV
The ByStar Model

6  Introducing ByStar

The Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem

A Unified and Non-Proprietary Model For Autonomous Internet Services
A Moral Alterantive To The Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem

Main Entry
Idealogy:Poly-Existence & Rejection of IPRLibre-HalaalBusiness Plan:Neda Open Business PlanPLPC-180014
By* Central:Libre-Halaal FoundationJoining

It is not possible to evolve the Proprietary American Digital ecosystem into something healthy. There are no band-aid solutions. We need to erect a healthy alternative against it.

So, we are claiming to have created a complete parallel Digital Ecosystem to stand against and in contrast to the existing Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem. We are calling it The Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem.

Such a large undertaking by such a small group should normally amount to not much more than pipe dreams. Typical first reaction to our claim is a chuckle. Some say it is insane. Many say that the notion of creating a parallel digital ecosystem is so very lofty that it can’t be realistic.
But, we have done all the analytical work, we have a grand design and we have a tangible begining in place. And now we want to make it more complete and we want to make its adoption very widespread.
Fully describing The Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem requires far more than this introductory presentation. To empower you to dig as deep as you wish, we are including some pointers on this slide.

The main entry point for By* is . It is in the form of a “Dear Fellow World Citizen”. You can also read it as PLPC-180016 which is a 50 page document. It provides a general description of ByStar.

At, there is a Reading Roadmap and a Publications List.

There is also a complete Business Plan which is open and available to all.

7  An Overview Of ByStar Model

7.1  ByStar Multi-Disciplinary Panorama

ByStar Multi-Disciplinary Panorama

Next we provide you a multi-disciplinary panorama of ByStar.

The design of a proper DE must be multi-disciplinary and should span philosophy, ethics, engineering, society, economics and business.

After providing an overview of the ByStar model we shall consider each and all of these disciplinary perspectives in turn.

7.2  The Model Of Self Regulation Of ByStar

The Model Of Self Regulation Of ByStar DE

Freedom Oriented Restrictions

Ab initio and by choice we are restrincting ourselves in the Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem in a number of areas:

Such basic initial restrictions, then permit healthy organic growth of the digital ecosystem.

The primary difference between the PADE and the BxDE is that the American DE is totally unregulated and the BxDE is self-regulated.

Based on ownership of opaque software and opaque internet services and with no regulations and restrictions, monsters such as FaceBook have been created.

In the model of PADE the only response to such monsters is that of considering them as monopoly utilities and subjecting them to legislated restrictions. But that can’t happen in the American model because Corpocracy wants the likes of facebook to be free to exploit and spy on the rest of the world.

Digital Ecosystems should be based on regulations.

Ab initio and very much by choice we are restrincting our-selves in the Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem in a number of areas.

It is not possible to offer real and tangible autonomy and privacy without committing to complete internal transparency of software and services. All of ByStar is internally transparent and Libre-Halaal.

All ByStar software must be internaly transparent.

All ByStar internet services must be internally transparent and reproducible in their entirety.

The requirements that we are imposing on ByStar are towards preservation of the individual’s autonomy and privacy. ByStar autonomous services belong to their owner-user – not the service provier. Optionally, the user can possess the service.

The individual is in full control of her service. So, she can fully control her privacy.

These freedom oriented restrictions, then permit healthy organic growth of the digital ecosystem in all respects.

7.3  Scope, Scale And Extent Of ByStar

Scope, Scale And Extent Of The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem

Our Scope and Scale Is Enormous. The scope of ByStar is everything. The “*” in By* comes from the glob expansion symbol of Unix. The integrated facilities of ByStar are intended to be used by a very large segment of population on this planet.

By* is not American or Western centric. By* addresses autonomy and privacy of the individual. Sacredness of autonomy and privacy spans most cultures and civilizations.

7.4  Ideology, Software, Services, Content

Ideology, Software, Services, Content

Internet Application Services:

ByStar Web Collective -- PLPC-180048

The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem -- PLPC-180016

By* Content Production

Convivial ByStar User Environments:     Blee and BxGnome -- PLPC-180004
By* Content Publication
BISOS: By* Internet Services Ooperating System -- PLPC-180047

Poly-Existential And Mixed-Existential Capitalism
A Non-Proprietary Model For Delivery Of Internet Services -- PLPC-180045
Defining Halaal Manner-Of-Existence of Software -- PLPC-180044
Introducing Halaal and Haraam Into Globish -- Defining The Libre-Halaal Label
Nature Of Poly-Existentials -- Basis For Abolishment Of Intellectual Property Rights       PLPC-120033

Often Digital Ecosystems are viewed as consisting of 4 parts.

Ideaology, Software, Services and Content.

Socital ideology determines manner-of-exsitence of Software, Services and Content.

In the proprietary American DE, based on IPR model, manner-of-exsitence of Software, Services and Content becomes corporate owned and opaque. These in turn deteriorate the individual’s autonomy and privacy.

In the libre-halaal ByStar DE, based on rejection of personal ownership of poly-existentials, manner-of-exsitence of Software, Services and Content is mandated to be internally transparent and under public guardianship. These in turn work in favor of protection of the individual’s autonomy and privacy.

7.5  Proprietary American Model Vs Libre-Halaal Model

  Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem Libre-Halaal By* Digital Ecosystem
Ideaology: IPR, Open-Source Software, Mono-Existential Capitalism Libre-Halaal Poly-Existentials, Poly and Mixed-Existential Capitalism
Software: Linux + Proprietary Linux + BISOS – Purely Libre-Halaal
Services: Totally Proprietary – Survailence Based Autonomy Oriented Libre-Halaal Services
Content: Mostly Proprietary Purely Libre-Halaal
Results: Corporate Dominance, Constant SurveillanceProtection Of Autonomy and Privacy Of Individuals

In order to provide you a description of the general contours of the ByStar DE, we start by comparing and contrasting it with the exisiting proprietary American DE in several dimensions.

The PADE is primary driven by business, profit, economics and corpocracy. It is highly transaction oriented. It has no underlying fundamental human design.

The LHBDE is designed to be anchered and centered around the autonomy of the indivdual. Only after respecting that requirement, the LHBDE is also market, business and for profit oriented.

So, the fundamental difference is that the LHBDE is regulated towards respecting the autonomy of the individual.

PADE is rooted in American values and the Western IPR regime. The LHBDE is human oriented and fully rejects the Western IPR regime and requires that the manner-of-existence pf poly-existentials be Libre-Halaal. It turns out that the Western IPR regime does serious harm to the autonomy of the individual and that the IPR regime is incompatible with the LHBDE.

The overwhelming majority of software and internet services in the PADE are internally opaque. Users don’t know what their software and their services are doing. In the LHBDE *ALL* software and *ALL* internet services are required to be internally transparent. Users of the LHBDE through the engineering profession know what the software and services that they are using are doing.

There is no meaningful governance and oversight in the PADE, therefore corporations expolit the individual. The LHBDE is self governed by the engineering profession.

The net result of these are clear. In the PADE corporation and governments dominate the individual. The individual is under constant surveillance. In the LHBDE, the autonomy and privacy of the individual is protected based on the design of the DE and as a result humanity has a chance.

7.6  Overview Of ByStar Model And Terminology

Overview Of ByStar Model And Terminology

The design of the LHBDE is based on a set of abstractions. I will provide an overview of these abstractions here.

Abstractions of real world entities in By* Digital Ecosystem (By*DE) are called By*Entities (BxE). When realized (instantiated/activated) BxEs take the form of By*Objects (BxOs). BxOs map to Unix user accounts.

The Universal BISOS (ByStar Internet Services OS) is the software that runs on all BXDE computers – be it handsets, devices, server, laptops and virtual machines. Equiped with BISOS, ByStarPaltfroms (BxP) are capable of hosting BxE and BxOs.

Real world Autonomous Entities (Individuals and Corporations) are abstracted as ByStarAutonomousEntities (BxAE). BxAEs can then create and control ByStarControlledEntities (BxCE).

ByStarAutonomousEntities and ByStarControlledEntities can then interact (communicate, collaborate) with each other.

ByStar capabilities and services facilitate end-to-end communications, collaboration and interactions among BxAEs and/or BxCEs.

Based on this model anything that is being done in the Proprietary American Digital Ecosystem’s rise-of-the-middle interactions model can be done in the end-to-end facilitated model of ByStar Entities.

The PADE model results into dozens of passwds for services over which users have little control. The LHBDE’s model allows for BxAEs to use their public/private keys to gain access to internally transparent services.

7.7  By* Platform (BxP) Realization Models

Types Of Realization Of By* Platform

Be You Own ASP – Or Use An ASP

  Do It Yourself (DIY) By* We Do It For You By*
On-Premise BxP: Service-In-A-Box (At Home) 
Collocated BxP: Service-In-A-Box (Data-Center) 
Hosted Private BxP: Private Cloud Private Cloud
Hosted Shared BxP:  Public Cloud

ByStarPaltfroms (BxPs) are containers of BxObjects (BxOs). Hence the level of privacy and control that an individual wants to assert over her information and her services determine the type of ByStarPaltfrom that she chooses as the container of her BxOs.

As shown in this table, an On-Premise BxP is a server computer that an individual can install in her own house. The platform and by extenstion her information are then in her physical possession. This type of BxP presents the highest level of autonomy.

Alternatively, she could take her own box and install it as collocated BxP in a ByStar data-center.

Or she could start from a Hosted Private BxP, where a dedicated virtual machine is created as her BxP in the private cloud.

Or she could have her BxOs hosted in public clouds that are subject to ByStar’s portability and data and services non-retention rules. The model of public cloud shared BxPs can be made as simple and as convenient as getting a Gmail account.

Note that the choice of any of these types of BxP realizations are easily convertible. For example, a user can take her public cloud BxOs and transfer them to her own On-Premise BxP when she wishes.

7.8  Overview Of ByStar Concepts And Terminology

Figure 1: ByStar Digital Ecosystem Model and Terminology

Here, pictorially, we provide an overview of BxDE concepts and terminology.

We take terminology and definitial terms seriously. ByStar is properly designed and as such all the new concepts that we introduce are well defined and well labeled.

There are 3 fundamental parts to a DE. Software, Services and Ideology.

The unified and universal software that runs all of ByStar is called BISOS – ByStar Internet App Services OS. BISOS is an open-source layer on top of Linux. We use the term Libre-Halaal to refer to the ethical manner-of-existence of software, internet services and content. For software in particular, we use the terms Libre-Halaal, Open-Source, FOSS and FLOSS (Free and Libre Open-Source Software) interchangeably.

What we are proposing with ByStar is very possible, beacuse the overwhelming majority of Internet Applications are in fact based on Open-Source software. In the PADE, the open-source software is converted into internet application services based on a walled garden model. In terms of technology and software, with ByStar and BISOS, we are just breaking the walled garden model.

And this is what we call the Libre-Halaal Ideology. With that in place, it is quite simple then to add the abstraction of the Autonomous individual to the digital ecosystem.

In terms of services, everything is anchored in preserving autonomy of the individual. These are shown in light grey section labeled as “ByStar services”. We expand on this next.

7.9  Types Of By* Libre-Halaal Services

Types Of By* Libre-Halaal Services

All ByStar Internet Services Conform To The Definition Of:
Libre-Halaal Internet Services

All ByStar Internet Services Conform To The Definition Of Libre-Halaal Internet Services – which we will present formally in the next slide.

The following types of ByStar Internet services are identified.

Autonomous By* Services can be Self-Hosted. You can be your own ASP. Or Autonomous By* Services can be hosted and Subject To Service Portability.

Controlled By* Services are under control and responsibility of an AutonomousEntity. Examples: a location, a forum for collaboration

Direct Inter-Autonomous By* Services facilitate group communications such as group video chats similar to the proprietary Skype.

Federated By* Services are re-publication services that for example re-publish and provide permanence for content that AutonomousEntities create.

Mediated Inter-Autonomous By* Services provide for hooking up AutonomousEntities so that they can engage in further end-to-end and direct Inter-Autonomous interactions. Dating services are an example of Mediated Inter-Autonomous By* Services.

8  Manner-Of-Existence Of Internet Services

8.1  Definition Of Libre-Halaal Internet Services

Definition Of Libre-Halaal Internet Services

Libre-Halaal Internet Services      
Defining Halaal Manner-Of-Existence Of Internet Services
A non-proprietary model for delivery of Internet services    PLPC-180045

Libre-Halaal Software
Defining Halaal Manner-Of-Existence Of Software     PLPC-180044
Introducing Halaal and Haraam into Globish
Based on Moral Philosophy of Abstract Halaal -- And Defining The Libre-Halaal Label
The Nature of Poly-Existentials:
Basis for Abolishment of The Western Intellectual Property Rights Regime

Within the By* DE, the manner-of-existence of *all* internet services must conform to a definition that we consider ethically correct – in other words, the manner-of-existence of *all* internet services must be Halaal.

By internet services, we mean network access to execution of software. By Halaal manner-of-existence of internet services we mean full compliance to the definitional criteria that we have provided in PLPC-180045 and at Briefly this means that the user of the service must be able to reproduce the service for him or herself. And the entirety of the service should be internally transparant and evolvable, so that the engineering profession on behalf of the individual can safeguard and improve the service.

This requirement conflicts with the Western IPR model.

For this reason we have vested the time and energy in proving based on logic of nature of poly-existentials that the Western IPR regime is a collosal mistake. PLPC-120033 is a 200 page document that presents our logic. In due course, we expect that PLPC-120033 will become authoritative on this topic.

Poly-existentials are things that exist in nature in multiples and are subject of the Western IPR regime. Ideas, knowledge, poetry, music, porn, software and internet services are all poly-existentials.

Having rejected copyright and patents as personal property, we then address the question of proper public governance of poly-existentials in general and software and internet services in particular.

With PLPC-120039 we do two things. First, we introduce Halaal and Haraam into Globish Based on Moral Philosophy of Abstract Halaal. Second, we define the general form of the libre-halaal label as it can be used for any poly-existential.

In PLPC-180044 we provide definitional criteria for libre-halaal software. Our definition is consistent with the definitial criteria for Free Software. In PLPC-180046 we describe why we use the Libre-Halaal label instead of FOSS/FLOSS (Free and Open Source Softare). The has been created to support this definition.

In this slide the bottom two boxes which are green indicate that they apply to all poly-existentials. The top two boxes that are blue apply to software and services.

8.2  ByStar Autonomous Services Requirements

ByStar Autonomous Services Requirements

  (1) Software Transparancy -- Libre-Halaal Software
Tangible   (2) Service Transparancy -- Libre-Halaal Services
    (3) Service Possession Assertion -- (ByStar)
Service   (4) Services Control -- (ByStar)

Autonomy   (5) Service Portability -- (ByStar)
Requirements   (6) Service & Information Non-Retention -- (ByStar)

Having defined the label of Libre-Halaal internet services as a constraint for manner-of-existence of ALL services in BxDE, we now focus on autonomous services.

Central to BxDE is the notion of autonomous services.

For a Bx service to be considered Autonomous, it needs to fulfill the following requirments.

The first two requirements are due to being Libre-Halaal.

The 3rd requirment states that the owner of an autonomous service must be able to possess his/her service if he wishes to.

The 4th reuirement is that the owner of an autonomous service should have full control over her service.

If an autonomous service is being hosted by a hosting provider, the entire service must be portable. The owner should be able to transfer the hosted service to a different hosting provider.

The 6th requirement is that a hosting provider should delete the entire service and owner’s information upon demand by the owner.

These last two criteria are to be legislated in ByStar DE.

Conformaing to all these requirements results into a service being considered a ByStar autonomous service.

Part V
Software Of By* and By* As Software

9  Software Of By* and By* As Software

Software Of By* and By* As Software

The Universal BISOS

BISOS: ByStar Internet application Services OS

BISOS Software Feature-Areas Provide For By* Service Capabilities

By* Services and BISOS User-Environments Then Enable

ByStar Software-Service Continuums

All of ByStar uses a common core Libre-Halaal software. We call this common core “The Universal BISOS”.

BISOS stand for ByStar Internet application Services Operating System.

Engineering philosphy of BISOS builds on the Unix philosophy in the applications and internet services domain.

BISOS facilities are structured in two parts. BISOS core features are those that are essential. BISOS Feature-Areas provide for open-ended realization of additional ByStar Capabilities.

BISOS along with ByStar services provide for ByStar Software-Service Continuums.

9.1  By* Platform Layers And Universalities Of BISOS

Figure 2: ByStar Platform (BxP) Layerings

In this figure, we are showing a certain perspetive for considering layerings in a ByStar-Platform (BxP).

This layering perspective, plus the goal of creating various universalities which would lead to deep software-service continuums is key to our design of the ByStar DE.

Universality of BISOS is inherited from being based on the Debian GNU/Linux. This universality permits all ByStarPaltfroms (BxP), be it handsets, devices, server, laptops and virtual machines – to function consistently and harmounously and collaboratively. This universality is rooted in all ByStar software to always be reproducible from its libre-halaal source.

Our choice of Emacs as a universal development and user environment brings an additional level cohesion to the BxDE.

9.2  BISOS Concepts And Terminology

Figure 3: BISOS Model and Terminology

Here, pictorially, we provide an overview of BISOS concepts and terminology.

Most BISOS software are implemented as Interactive Command Modules (ICMs). ICMs which are implemented in Python and Bash bring a high degree of consistency to BISOS. Through the concept of ICM-Players, within BISOS, in addition to GUI and Command-line interfaces, there is also a GUI-line interface.

ICMs then are specialized for the general concepts of ByStarEntities, By*Objects, and ByStarServiceRealizations allowing consistent management and operation of ByStar-Platforms.

BISOS is designed to be open-ended and expandable through the notion of BISOS-Feature-Areas.

9.3  BISOS Core Features And Feature-Areas

BISOS Core Features And Feature-Areas

BISOS Core Features BISOS Feature-Areas
BLEE (By* Libre-Halaal Emacs Environment) and BxGnome Autonomous Content Authorship, Generation And Publication
COMEEGA (Collaborative Org-Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship Inter Personal Communications (MARMEE)
ICM (Interactive Command Modules) and ICM Players Multi-Media Organization and Consumption
ByStar Bootstrapings (Hosts, VMs and Web Factories) Genealogy (Geneweb)
BxE/BxO Credentials and Synchronization (PKCS, Git-s) GOSSONoT (Generalized Open-Source SON of Things)

In the left column we provide an overview of the basic key common features of BISOS. These are facilities that permit basic interactions with ByStarCentral and which permit realization of additional capabilities for BxOs.

In the right column we provide an overview of some of the key feature-areas. feature-areas represent capabilities that By*Objects can inherit.

Part VI
ByStar Services

10  ByStar Internet Services – The By* Web Collective

By* Services: Phase-1 By* Web Collective

Anonymous By* Services ByAnonymous ByLeaks

Inter-Autonomous Interactions Facilitaion ByInteraction ByHookUp

Federated ByTopic ByContent BySource BySearch ByLookUp
By* Services   ByEvent ByBinary      

Controlled By* Services   ByFamily ByWhere ByMemory ByEntity  

Autonomous   BySMB ByName ByAlias
By* Services   ByAuthor ByArtist ByNumber  

ByStar   By-Star BySource ByBinary    
Central   Neda LibreCenter Free Protocols Libre Services Halaal Software

In this table we provide a list of By domains that we have aquired and some place holder services that we have implemented.

These are categorized based on the type of entities associated with them.

11  Mapping Of ByStar Entities And Services To Existing Services

Mapping Of By* Services To Existing Services

ByStar Entities and Services Libre-Halaal ByStar DE Proprietary American DE
Autonomous Entities: ByName, BySMB, ByAuthor, ByArtist None
Controlled Entities: ByWhere, ByMemory, GOSSONoT Nest, Monitored-IoTs, Ancestry
Federated Services (Content Syndication): ByTopic, ByContent, BySearch Youtube, Google Search, Github
Inter-Autonomous Comm/Collaboration: MARMEE GMail, YahooMail, Hotmail, Skype, Telegram,
Inter-Autonomous Interaction Facilities: ByInteractions, ByHookup Facebook, LinkedIn,

In terms of features, capabilities, richness of services, ease of use, comfort and preference; LHBDE should be able to compete directly with PADE. In other words everything that people are able to do in the ADE should be possible to also accomplish in the BxDE.

And indeed this will gradually be the case.

all the services that are being currently provided in the PADE can also be provided in the BxDE based on the model of BxEs.

Additionally, the consistenty of BxE design makes the aggreagte use of these services easier and more productive.

The abstraction of BxAE empowers authentication and access control in a consistent manner, eliminating the need for the model of dozens of passwords.

In this table, we show how existing PADE services are to map into their equivalent in the LHBDE.

12  ByStar Central

ByStar Central

Implementation Infrastructure:

Proper operation of BxDE requires a number of CentralServices.

In order to address this we have created ByStar-Central.

The Libre-Halaal Foundation – as a non-profit organization – has been formed to function as an organization reponsible for maintaining central integrity of ByStar.

ByStar-Central primary functions are:

- That of being a Name and Number Assignment Authority

- That of Being a Software Distribution center

LH Foundation and Neda Comm Inc have been intertwined in the early phases of the evolution of ByStar DE.

Part VII
ByStar Economics

13  ByStar Open Business Plan And Poly-Existential Capitalism

Neda’s ByStar Open Business Plan

Poly-Existential Capitalism

The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem Business Strategy
An Inversion to the Proprietary Internet Services Model
Neda Communications, Inc.'s Open Business Plan -- PLPC-180014

The ByStar Economics Model:
Global Poly-Existential And Mixed-Existential Capitalism
Business Operations In The For-Profit and Non-Proprietary Quadrant

The fundumental model of BxDE is in fact very pro-business, market oriented and capitalistic.

By choice we have restricted our-selves in two areas:

1) Rejection of IPR. Resulting into a pure Libre-Halaal software and services model

2) Full Commitment to preservation of the Individual’s autonomy.

When framed properly, neither of these is a business disadvantage. With proper jujutsu these restrictions can present enormous business advantages.

Buidling on the concept of poly-existentials that we used to reject IPR regime, we have produced PLPC-120042 in which we describe how poly-existential capitalism can stand against the IPR model in business and economic terms.

To focus directly on our own profit in the context of creating the ByStar DE, we have produced PLPC-180014.

Neda’s Open Business Plan is a complete and very sophisticated business plan that describes how creation and evolution of the ByStarDE can become a very profitable venture for those who participate and invest in it.

Building ByStar

14  Design Big – Build Gradually

Design Big - Build Gradually

Phase 0 Big DesignPhilosophy, Model, Terminology, Articulation, Validation
Phase 1 Autonomous+Controlled EntitiesBISOS, ByName, BySMB, ByWhere, GOSSONoT
Phase 2 Large Scale Phase 1ByEntity Web Factories (ByName, BySMB, ByAlias, etc)
Phase 3 Initial Federated & Interactions ServicesByTopic, BySearch, ByInteractions, ByHookUps
Phase N Large Scale Full ImplementatonInteractions Facilitation, ByStar BlockChains

The scope and scale of ByStar is enormous.

Once its full design is properly in place, its scope and scale can expand gradually.

Here we present the evolution of ByStar in a phased fashion.

Thus far our focus has been on Phases 0 & 1. These needed to be accomplsihed by a small cohisive crack team.

That work has been done over the past decade. We self funded it.

For phases 2 and beyond we need large amounts of capital.

The results of Phases 0 & 1 are being exposed now, so that we can gather more participants.

15  Examples Of Evolutionary Tangible Social And Societal Impacts

Examples Of ByStar’s Evolutionary Impacts

Autonomous – – –
Controlled – –
Self-Publication:plpc-120033 – personal pubs list
Autonomus Private Capabilities:genealogy – contact page

Just in the context of Phases 0 and 1, with myself as an example; I can show you how ByStar has made me more autonomous and has resulted in less of my privacy being compromized.

16  Joining ByStar – Individually And En-Mass

Joining   A Strategy For Rapidly Becoming An Internet Application Service Provider
ByStar   Joining, Adopting and/or Licensing ByStar
As A Group A Public Unsolicited Proposal
    (1) Recognize Importance Of Your Privacy and Autonomy
Joining   (2) Obtain Your Private ByStar Account
ByStar   (3) Obtain Your By*-Autonomous-Server (or Virtual-Server)
Individually   (4) Fully Control Your By* Account and Your Autonomous Service

There are two general ways of joining ByStar.

As a Group or as an individual.

At the end of Phase 1, now, we are not actively encourage individuals to join ByStar. It is at the end of Phase 2 that we will be doing so.

At this time we are encouraging groups that recognize the benefits of ByStar model to adopt ByStar. We describe basic details for the process of Joining, Adopting and/or Licensing ByStar in A Public Unsolicited Proposal in the form of PLPC-180040.

Please join us in making ByStar widespread and stop the downward spiral of the danger that PADE is posing to civilization and humanity.
